[Nayttelyposti] Luennot Sinebrychoffin taidemuseossa 21.10.2015

Eija Pekkanen Eija.Pekkanen at siff.fi
To 15.Marras. 14:14:23 EEST 2015

Kaksi kansainvälistä huippuluentoa Sinebrychoffin taidemuseossa

21.10.2015 klo 17:

Professor Jørgen Wadum: Painting techniques of Rembrandt, Dou, Fabritius and Vermeer

Professor Dr. Jørgen Wadum is Director of Conservation at Statens Museum for Kunst (SMK), the national gallery of Denmark, and Director of the Centre for Art Technological Studies and Conservation (CATS), Copenhagen. He additionally holds the position as full Professor in Conservation & Restoration at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Amsterdam. From 1990 through 2004 he was Chief Conservator at the Mauritshuis, The Hague. He was a founding member of ArtMatters: International Journal for Technical Art History, and he has published and lectured extensively internationally on a multitude of subjects related to technical art history and other issues of importance for the understanding and keeping of our cultural heritage.

21.10.2015 klo 18:

Professor Olivia Nesci and artist Rosetta Borchia: In the Seach of the Landscapes of Piero della Francesca and Leonardo da Vinci

The Italian Cultural Institute in Helsinki, the Sinebrycoff Art Museum and the Culture Department of Emilia-Romagna Region present the conference In search of the landscapes of Piero della Francesca and Leonardo da Vinci,  held by the two "hunters of landscapes": Rosetta Borchia, artist and naturalist, and Olivia Nesci, Professor at the University of Urbino.

For more than 500 years, art historians from all over the world have been trying to locate the landscapes that inspired Renaissance painters such as Piero della Francesca, Rafael, Leonardo da Vinci and their colleagues. They were looking for the background landscapes of their works of art.
While most of them decided that those landscapes were merely imaginary, Rosetta Borchia and Olivia Nesci managed to find them hidden away in the hills of the Montefeltro area. The first landscapes to be discovered, in 2007, were the ones depicted in the three paintings of the Diptych of the Duchess and Duke of Urbino by Piero della Francesca (Florence, The Uffizi Gallery). The background landscapes of these first two portraits were hidden in the area of the Metauro River, whereas the third one was located far from there, on the old borders of the Duchy between Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna.

The results of this first research work are presented in a book, "Il Paesaggio Invisibile" ("The invisible landscape"), in a travelling art exhibition and through the participation to several national and international conferences and scientific meetings on the subject.

Museon pääsymaksu: 12 / 10 €

Sinebrychoffin taidemuseo

Bulevardi 40, 00120 Helsinki, www.siff.fi

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